If those older, outdated or barely functioning windows are causing you more stress than joy, Wonder Windows in Rochester NY is giving customers the chance to take out their frustration by smashing their old windows to oblivion.  We’ve teamed up with Riot Room in Rochester to help us offer a smashing good deal!  In addition to getting 20% off your new windows and 18 months 0% financing, we’ll transport your old windows to Riot Room so you can smash them after the install.

Get New Windows and Some Stress Off Your Chest

If the notion of taking a baseball bat, sledgehammer or tire iron to those creaky, ugly windows that have been making you work hard with every open and close, why not give them a proper send off?  Here’s how the Wonder Windows Smash Your Windows promotion works:

  • Take advantage of our 20% off sale or zero-interest financing on new windows
  • Tell your associate that you want to Smash Your Windows at the point of sale
  • Once installed, we’ll transport your old windows to Riot Room and pay for your breaking session!
  • Riot Room will provide the setup, tools and protective gear needed for a good smashing
  • Go home and enjoy your beautiful new windows
  • Up to 10 windows can be destroyed per household

For over 50 years Wonder Windows has been working hard to make new window installations more affordable and fun in the Rochester NY area.  We’re excited to team up with Riot Room for this once in lifetime promotion, and we look forward to letting our customers experience the excitement of saying goodbye to their old windows, properly.

For complete information on our Smash Your Windows promotion, call our visit Wonder Windows today!  We’re located at 3535 Winton Pl Suite 1, Rochester, NY 14623, so stop in or give us a call at 585-654-7000 to learn more.